Applies to a.c., d.c., and universal machines of rated output up to 750 W (or 750 V.A.) per 1000 r/min with rated voltages up to 240 V d.c., up to 480 volt single-phase a.c., and up to 650 V three-phase a.c., intended for applications for which a light construction is adequate. Dimensions are specified for four frame sizes and for four methods of mounting. A shaft extension is specified for each frame size; in two cases an alternative smaller diameter shaft extension is specified. Preferred outputs between 2.5 W and 3000 W are listed but not allocated to frame sizes.
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AS 2550.1-2011
$66.00 $132.00
AS 1417.1(Int)-2011
$61.00 $122.10
AS 4602.1:2011
$35.00 $71.94
AS 4647-2011
$39.00 $78.54