AS 3515.2:2019

Gold and gold bearing alloys, Part 2: Determination of gold content (30 % to 99.5 %) - Gravimetric (fire assay) method

Standards Australia , 03/01/2019

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 3515.2:2019 PDF

This Standard sets out gravimetric procedures for the determination of gold content in the range from 30 % to 99.5 % in gold and gold bearing alloys with < 2 % nickel, < 0.05 % rhodium, < 0.05 % tungsten, < 1 % platinum and < 3 % palladium.

This Standard was prepared by Standards Australia Committee CH-010, Analysis of Metals, to supersede AS 3515.2—2002, Gold and gold bearing alloys, Part 2: Determination of gold content (30% to 99.5%)—Gravimetric (fire assay) method.

This Standard is part of a series for AS 3515, as follows:

AS 3515.1, Gold and gold bearing alloys, Part 1: Determination of gold content (Less than 30 %) — Gravimetric (fire assay) method

AS 3515.2, Gold and gold bearing alloys, Part 2: Determination of gold content (30% to 99.5%)—Gravimetric (fire assay) method (this Standard)

AS 3515.3, Gold and gold bearing alloys, Part 3: Determination of gold content (greater than 99.5 %) — Gravimetric (fire assay) method

AS 3515.4, Gold and gold bearing alloys, Part 4: Determination of gold content (greater than 99.95%)— Inductively coupled plasma—Atomic emission spectrometry

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