AS 3580.9.9:2017 PDF
Sets out a gravimetric method for determination of PM10 in ambient air utilizing low volume sequential and non-sequential samplers equipped with size selective inlets.
This Standard was prepared by the Joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Committee EV-007, Methods for Examination of Air, to supersede AS/NZS 3580.9.9:2006.
After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this Standard as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.
The objective of this Standard is to provide regulatory and testing bodies with a standard method for determining suspended particulate matter with an equivalent aerodynamic diameter of less than 10 µm utilizing a low volume sampler and size selective inlet.
This Standard deals with the determination of suspended particulate matter with an equivalent aerodynamic diameter (EAD) of less than approximately 10µm (PM10). This is one in a series of Standards for the determination of particulate matter in ambient air.
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