AS 3778.4.5:2022 PDF
AS 3778.4.5:2022 identically adopts ISO 4360:2020, which specifies methods for the measurement of the flow of water in open channels under steady flow conditions using triangular profile weirs. The flow conditions considered are steady flows which are uniquely dependent on the upstream head and non-modular (drowned) flows which depend on downstream as well as upstream levels.
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee CE-024, Measurement of water flow in open channels and closed conduits, to supersede AS 3778.4.5—1991, Measurement of water flow in open channels, Part 4: Measurement using flow gauging structures, Method 4.5: Triangular profile weirs.
The objective of this document is to specify methods for the measurement of the flow of water in open channels under steady flow conditions using triangular profile weirs. The flow conditions considered are steady flows which are uniquely dependent on the upstream head and non-modular (drowned) flows which depend on downstream as well as upstream levels.
This document is identical with, and has been reproduced from, ISO 4360:2020, Hydrometry — Open channel flow measurement using triangular profile weirs.
As this document has been reproduced from an International document, a full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker.
Australian or Australian/New Zealand Standards that are identical adoptions of international normative references may be used interchangeably. Refer to the online catalogue for information on specific Standards.
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