AS 3880:2017

Flow properties of coal

Standards Australia , 08/30/2017

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 3880:2017 PDF

Sets out a series of tests to characterize the flow properties of coal as the basis for designing equipment to achieve reliable flow at the desired flowrate.

Not all the tests described have to be carried out on a material. The selection of the relevant tests depends on the information sought:

(a) Test 1: Yield locus, covers the measurement of the stress necessary to shear a coal under a given load. From this, the coal flow function can be established, which gives indication of the material cohesive strength. This test also gives output of material characteristics such as internal friction angle, which are required for design calculations and computer simulation purpose.

(b) Test 2: Wall yield locus, consists of determining the angle of wall friction that describes the interactions between a coal and a selected wall material.

(c) Test 3: Bulk density, describes the determination of coal bulk density and compressibility. The bulk density is of particular relevance in assessing the flow properties of a bulk material as often, the cohesive strength of a material will depend on its consolidation state reflected by its bulk density.

This Standard is nominally for coal. However, the principles and apparatus may be used for coke and other semi-cohesive particulate materials when a knowledge of flow properties is required.

This Standard also provides some guidance on the presentation of the test results for analysis and design. However, it does not cover the application of the results to industrial design.

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