AS 4428.6:2018 PDF
This Standard specifies requirements, methods of test, and performance criteria for alarm signalling equipment (ASE) for use in fire detection and alarm systems (FDAS) installed in buildings. It specifies the functions that are required and applies to ASE that receives signals from FDAS and transmits the information to a monitoring centre, as defined by AS 1670.3.
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee FP-002, Fire Detection, Warning, Control and Intercom Systems, to supersede AS 4428.6—1997.
The objective of this Standard is to specify the minimum equipment requirements for alarm signalling equipment (ASE) for use in monitoring automatic fire detection and alarm system.
This edition updates and aligns the minimum performance requirements for ASE with the requirements of the AS 7240 series, Fire detection and alarm systems, and allows new telecommunications technologies to be utilized.
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