AS 4722:2018

Passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors

Standards Australia , 11/12/2018

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 4722:2018 PDF

Specifies requirements and guidelines for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of passenger ropeways and conveyors to promote safety for operating staff and patrons in the form of variations and additions to Canadian Standard CSA Z98-14, a copy of which is required for the application of this Standard.

The objective of this Standard is to provide designers, manufacturers, proprietors, inspectors and operating staff with requirements and guidance specific to the design, construction, operation, inspection, testing and maintenance of passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors that will protect the health and safety of both operating staff and patrons of these devices.

This Standard references and modifies the requirements of Canadian Standards Association publication CSA Z98-14, Passenger ropeways and passenger conveyors. The Canadian Standard has historically been used for requirements for passenger ropeways in Australia.

The Subcommittee has kept Australian variations to this Standard to a minimum and has informed the relevant Canadian committee of these so they can be considered for incorporation in a future edition of CSA Z98.

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