AS 5182:2018

Vendor Credentialing for Healthcare Facilities

Standards Australia , 04/12/2018

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 5182:2018 PDF

This Standard defines the requirements for the credentialing of healthcare industry representatives and service providers (HCIRs) entering healthcare facilities (HCFs) for the purpose of conducting business. The primary goal of these requirements is to ensure patient health, safety and confidentiality, and alignment with existing statutes applicable to HCIRs.

Credentialing for the following categories of contracted vendors is addressed in the HCF’s human resource processes or within the terms of the vendor’s contract with the HCF (similar to that of an HCF’s employee), and are excluded from the scope of this document:

(a) HCF-contracted labour, clinical and collaborative partners, such as contract employees/vendors that may provide direct patient care and/or services on behalf of an organization.

(b) Patient care personnel accredited by an accrediting or standards organization, including but not limited to: nursing, therapy, pharmacy, dietary, activities staff, drug and alcohol counsellors, and nursing assistants/aids.

(c) Non-clinical contract labour, such as building contractors and IT and software contractors/consultants.

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