AS 5333.2:2019 PDF
The objective of this Standard is to specify a relatively simple engineering method for determining the sound power levels of small, movable noise sources.
ISO 3743 is one standard of the series ISO 3741 to ISO 3747 series, which specifies various methods for determining the sound power levels of machines, equipment and sub-assemblies. These basic standards specify the acoustical requirements for measurements appropriate for different test environments.
When selecting one of the methods of the series ISO 3741 to ISO 3747, it is necessary to select the most appropriate for the conditions and purposes of the noise test. General guidelines to assist in the selection are provided in ISO 3740. The series ISO 3741 to ISO 3747 gives only general principles regarding the operating and mounting conditions of the machine or equipment under test. Reference should be made to the noise test code for a specific type of machine or equipment, if available, for specifications on mounting and operating conditions.
The method given in this document enables measurement of sound pressure levels with A-weighting and in octave bands at pre-scribed fixed microphone positions or along prescribed paths. It allows determination of A-weighted sound power levels or sound power levels with other weighting and octaveband sound power levels. Quantities which cannot be determined are the directivity characteristics of the source and the temporal pattern of noise radiated by sources emitting non-steady noise.
ISO 3743-1 and this document specify engineering methods for determining the A-weighted and octaveband sound power levels of small noise sources. The methods are applicable to small machines, devices, components and sub-assemblies which can be installed in a special reverberation test room or in a hardwalled test room with prescribed acoustical characteristics. The methods are particularly suitable for small items of portable equipment; they are not intended for larger pieces of stationary equipment which, due to their manner of operation or installation, cannot readily be moved into the test room and operated as in normal usage. The procedures are intended to be used when an engineering grade of accuracy is desired without requiring the use of laboratory facilities.
In ISO 3743-1, a comparison method is used to determine the octave-band sound power levels of the source. The spatial average (octave-band) sound pressure levels produced by the source under test are compared to the spatial average (octave-band) sound pressure levels produced by a reference sound source of known sound power output. The difference in sound pressure levels is equal to the difference in sound power levels if conditions are the same for both sets of measurements. The A-weighted sound power level is then calculated from the octave-band sound power levels.
The requirements to be fulfilled by the special reverberation test room for measurements in accordance with this document are significantly more restrictive than those placed on the hard-walled test room by the comparison method of ISO 3743-1.
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