AS 60903:2022 PDF
AS IEC 60903:2022 adopts and modifies IEC 60903:2014, which specifies requirements for electrical insulating gloves and mitts that provide protection of the worker against electric shock. The document also covers electrical insulating gloves with additional integrated mechanical protection (known as “composite gloves”).
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee EL-068, Live Working, to supersede AS/NZS IEC 60903:2020, Live working — Electrical insulating gloves.
After consultation with stakeholders in both countries, Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand decided to develop this document as an Australian Standard rather than an Australian/New Zealand Standard.
If a Standard is referenced in legislation, the legislative instrument or regulation specifies the date on which the Standard or Amendment comes into effect. Regulatory Authorities have indicated 24 months as an appropriate transition period from the date of publication for the application of this Standard.
Refer to the relevant regulatory authority for further information.
The objective of this document is to specify requirements for electrical insulating gloves and mitts that provide protection of the worker against electric shock. This document also covers electrical insulating gloves with additional integrated mechanical protection referred to in this document as “composite gloves”.
This document is an adoption with national modifications, and has been reproduced from IEC 60903:2014, Live working – Electrical insulating gloves.
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