AS 61466.1:2020

Composite string insulator units for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1 000 V, Part 1: Standard strength and end fittings (IEC 61466-1:2016 (ED 2.0) MOD)

Standards Australia , 12/04/2020

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 61466.1:2020 PDF

Adopts and modifies IEC 61466 1:2016 for Australia, which specifies values for the mechanical characteristics of, and defines the main dimensions of, the couplings to be used on composite string insulator units in order to permit the assembly of insulators or fittings supplied by different manufacturers and to allow, whenever practical, interchangeability with existing installations. It also defines a standard designation system for composite string insulator units. KEYWORDS: Composite string insulators; Interchangeability; Dimensions for assembly; Designation system; Couplings.

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