AS 62053.61:2018 PDF
The objective of this Standard applies only to newly manufactured combined meters, measuring more than one type of electric energy (e.g. active and reactive) and meters integrating additional functions which are not in the scope of the AS 62052.11, AS 62053.21, AS 62053.22 and AS 62063.23 standards; these additional functions, all related to electric energy metering are, for instance, maximum demand indicator, time switches, ripple control or radio receivers, etc.
This Standard is an adoption with national modifications, and has been reproduced from, IEC 62053-61:1998 (ED 1.0), Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) — Particular requirements — Part 61: Power consumption and voltage requirements.
Appendix ZZ lists the variations for the application of this Standard in Australia.
As this document has been reproduced from an International Standard, the following applies:
(a) In the source text “this part of IEC 62053” and “this International Standard” should read “this Australian Standard”.
(b) A full point substitutes for a comma when referring to a decimal marker
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