AS ISO 19135.1:2018 PDF
The objective of this Standard is to specify procedures to be followed in establishing, maintaining, and publishing registers of unique, unambiguous, and permanent identifiers and meanings that are assigned to items of geographic information. In order to accomplish this purpose, AS ISO 19135.1 specifies elements that are necessary to manage the registration of these items.
This part of ISO 19135 defines three conformance classes for registers:
— Core schema – the minimum requirements for establishing, maintaining, and publishing registers;
— Extended schema – additional requirements to be conformant to the most frequently used model elements in the previous edition (ISO 19135:2005);
— Hierarchical register.
To conform to this part of ISO 19135, a register of items of geographic information shall satisfy all of the requirements specified in one of the three conformance levels described in 2.2 to 2.4, with the corresponding abstract test suite given in Annex A.
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