AS ISO/IEC 30105.1:2017 PDF
Details the process reference model (PRM). Includes process definitions across the lifecycle described in terms of process context, purpose and outcomes, together with a framework defining relationships between the processes.
This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee IT-030, ICT Governance and Management.
The objective of the AS ISO/IEC 30105 series is to assess the capability of lifecycle processes performed by the IT-enabled services business process outsourcing service provider. It defines the processes to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and improve its services.
This Standard serves as a process reference model for organizations providing ITES-BPO services’. This Standard is identical with, and has been reproduced from ISO/IEC 30105-1:20166, Information technology—IT Enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing (ITES-BPO) lifecycle processes—Part 1: Process reference model (PRM)
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