Sets out a method for the determination of the gross specific energy at constant volume of coal or coke, using a bomb calorimeter with an adiabatic water jacket. Precision data and a method for determination of the mean effective heat capacity of the calorimeter are provided.
AS 1038.5.1-1988 History
AS 1038.5-1998
$29.00 $58.08
AS 1038.5.2-1989
$14.00 $29.00
AS 1038.5.1-1988
$20.00 $40.00
AS 1038.5-1979
$28.00 $57.00
More Standards PDF
AS 1679.1-2005
$25.00 $50.16
AS ISO/IEC 17050.2-2005
$13.00 $27.72
AS ISO/IEC 17040-2005
$35.00 $71.94
AS ISO IEC 13249.2-2005
$93.00 $186.12