AS 1141.11.1:2020

Methods for sampling and testing aggregates, Method 11.1: Particle size distribution - Sieving method

Standards Australia , 11/27/2020

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 1141.11.1:2020 PDF

Sets out method for the determination of particle size distribution in coarse and fine aggregates by sieving. The amount passing a 75 μm sieve may be determined using this method when samples are washed over a 75 μm sieve. If the percentage of material passing a 75 μm sieve is specified, the procedures detailed in Clause 6.6 of this method or in AS 1141.12 apply.

KEYWORDS: Aggregates; Particle; Size; Sieving.

AS 1141.11.1:2020 History

AS 1141.11.1:2020

AS 1141.11.1:2020

$25.00 $50.00

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