AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990

Unfired Pressure Vessels - Advanced design and construction (Supplement to AS 1210-1997)

Standards Australia , 12/31/1989

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Specifies requirements for design and construction of pressure vessels in which material design strengths higher than those specified in AS 1210 are permitted. It applies only to static vessels, and specifies only those requirements which differ from or are additional to the requirements for Class 1 vessels in AS 1210. Two new classes (2HA and 2HB) of vessels are introduced.

AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990 History

AS 1210-2010

AS 1210-2010

$101.00 $203.28

AS 1210-1997

AS 1210-1997

$93.00 $186.12

AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990

AS 1210 SUPP 1-1990

$39.00 $79.00

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AS 1210 SUPP 1-1984

$28.00 $57.00

AS 1210-1982

AS 1210-1982

$74.00 $149.00

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