Specifies practice for the care and use of flat synthetic-webbing slings. The cause of accidents involving flat synthetic-webbing slings often includes some degree of human influence. The Standard requires the slings to comply with AS 1353.1, and places a responsibility on the user of the slings to have adequate knowledge, skill, and sense of responsibility about their use and to use them at all times in a sensible and responsible manner and within their performance capabilities.
AS 1353.2-1990 History
AS 1353.2-1997
$29.00 $58.08
AS 1353.2-1990
$25.00 $50.00
More Standards PDF
AS 2088-1989
$31.00 $63.00
AS 1745.1-1989
$25.00 $50.00
AS 3644.1-1989
$28.00 $57.00
AS 2144-1989
$31.00 $63.00