The Standard specifies the general requirements for cranes. The Standard includes the design of cranes by the traditional working stress method and also allows design by the limit states design method. The partial load factors necessary for crane design by the limit states method have not been provided. Major technical changes include revisions towards harmonization with ISO Standards, development of crane loads, crane structure, stability, electrical and controls including automatic controls, radio controls and infra-red control. The Appendices have also been revised.
AS 1418.1-1994 History
AS 1418.1:2021
$42.00 $85.80
AS 1418.1-2002
$50.00 $101.64
AS 1418.1-1994
$78.00 $156.00
AS 1418.1-1986
$68.00 $136.00
More Standards PDF
AS 1731.2-2003
$20.00 $40.26
AS ISO 11979.8-2003
$35.00 $71.94
AS 1731.12-2003
$25.00 $50.82
AS 2625.1-2003
$35.00 $71.94