• AS 1418.18:2024

AS 1418.18:2024

Cranes, hoists and winches, Part 18: Crane runways and monorails

Standards Australia , 05/24/2024

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 1418.18:2024 specifies the general requirements for crane runway girders and monorail beams designed to conform to either AS 4100, AS 3990 or AS 5224, as appropriate.

AS 1418.18:2024 History

AS 1418.18:2024

AS 1418.18:2024

$61.00 $122.10

AS 1418.18-2001

AS 1418.18-2001

$50.00 $101.64

More Standards PDF

AS 60118.9-2007

AS 60118.9-2007

$25.00 $50.82

AS 60118.4-2007

AS 60118.4-2007

$18.00 $36.30

AS 60118.8-2007

AS 60118.8-2007

$39.00 $78.54

AS ISO 389.2-2007

AS ISO 389.2-2007

$25.00 $50.16