• AS 1684.3-1999

AS 1684.3-1999

Residential timber-framed construction - Cyclonic areas (SEE IMPORTANT NOTE)

Standards Australia , 01/01/1999

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Specifies requirements for building practice and for the selection, placement and fixing of the various structural elements used in the construction of timber-framed Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, as defined in the Building Code of Australia, for cyclonic areas. It also sets out building practice procedures, which are given to assist in the correct specification and design of timber members, bracing and connections thereby minimizing the risk of creating an environment that might adversely affect the ultimate performance of the structure. Appendices specify a method of interpolation for Span Tables in the Supplements, and an alternative procedure for determining racking forces. Guidance is given on mass of roof, timber natural durability, moisture content, timber species and properties. Some examples are also included. The 45 suplements, giving different wind classification and stress grades of various timbers, form an integral part of the Standard. They are included in a CD-ROM, attached to this Standard.

AS 1684.3-1999 History

AS 1684.3:2021

AS 1684.3:2021

$46.00 $92.00

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$35.00 $71.94

AS 1684.3-1999

AS 1684.3-1999

$35.00 $71.94

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