AS 1719:2024

Pesticides and other agrochemicals - Common names (ISO 1750:2023, IDT)

Standards Australia , 11/22/2024

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 1719:2024 identically adopts ISO 1750:2023, which provide a link to an XML file that contains the common names for more than 1 200 pest control chemicals and plant growth regulators of international importance.

AS 1719:2024 History

AS 1719:2024

AS 1719:2024

$18.00 $36.00

AS 1719-1994

AS 1719-1994

$72.00 $145.00

AS 1719-1981

AS 1719-1981

$61.00 $122.00

More Standards PDF

AS ISO 15489.1:2017

AS ISO 15489.1:2017

$40.00 $81.00

AS IEC 61000.4.5:2017

AS IEC 61000.4.5:2017

$75.00 $150.00

AS IEC 61000.6.5:2017

AS IEC 61000.6.5:2017

$58.00 $116.80

AS IEC 61000.4.6:2017

AS IEC 61000.4.6:2017

$66.00 $132.00