• AS 1926.1:2024

AS 1926.1:2024

Swimming pool safety, Part 1: Safety barriers for swimming pools

Standards Australia , 08/23/2024

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 1926.1:2024 assists pool owners/users in avoiding pool-related drowning by providing design, construction and performance requirements for various barrier options, which are designed to restrict entry to the swimming pool area by young children.

AS 1926.1:2024 History

AS 1926.1:2024

AS 1926.1:2024

$50.00 $101.64

AS 1926.1-2012

AS 1926.1-2012

$46.00 $92.40

AS 1926.1-2007

AS 1926.1-2007

$39.00 $78.54

AS 1926.1-1993

AS 1926.1-1993

$18.00 $36.00

AS 1926-1986

AS 1926-1986

$25.00 $50.00

AS 1926-1979

AS 1926-1979

$20.00 $40.00

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