AS 2118.4-2012

Automatic fire sprinkler systems, Part 4: Sprinkler protection for accommodation buildings not exceeding four storeys in height

Standards Australia , 05/22/2012

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Specifies requirements for the design, installation and acceptance testing (commissioning) of automatic fire sprinkler systems in accommodation buildings not more than four storeys.

AS 2118.4-2012 History

AS 2118.4-2012

AS 2118.4-2012

$50.00 $101.64

AS 2118.4-1995

AS 2118.4-1995

$14.00 $28.00

More Standards PDF

AS 2854-2004

AS 2854-2004

$35.00 $71.94

AS 15938.7-2004

AS 15938.7-2004

$50.00 $101.64

AS 5013.5-2004

AS 5013.5-2004

$29.00 $58.08

AS ISO IEC 15408.3-2004

AS ISO IEC 15408.3-2004

$93.00 $186.12