Sets out two methods, viz. Liebig principle and high temperature method, for determining carbon and hydrogen, a method for determining nitrogen and two methods, viz. Eschka and high temperature combustion methods, for determining total sulphur in lower rank coal. Precision data are provided.
AS 2434.6.1-1986 History
AS 2434.6-2002
$35.00 $71.94
AS 2434.6.1-1986
$25.00 $50.00
More Standards PDF
AS 2805.13.1-2000
$13.00 $27.72
AS 1038.9.1-2000
$14.00 $29.04
AS 2129-2000
$50.00 $101.64
AS 4699-2000
$18.00 $36.30