AS 2542.2.3-1988

Sensory analysis of foods, Part 2.3: Specific methods - Rating

Standards Australia , 01/01/1988

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out guidelines for measuring the magnitude of a predefined sensory characteristic, e.g. sweetness, degree of liking, by assigning a rating on a response scale. Appendices propose examples of the types of rating scales to be used and specimen answer forms.

AS 2542.2.3-1988 History

AS 2542.2.3:2014

AS 2542.2.3:2014

$29.00 $58.08

AS 2542.2.3-2007

AS 2542.2.3-2007

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AS 2542.2.3-1988

AS 2542.2.3-1988

$14.00 $28.00

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