Specifies methods of determining the stage-discharge relation for a gauging station. Stable and unstable channels are considered but considerable care is to be taken if it is applied to flow conditions which suddenly or rapidly vary. It is technically identical with and reproduced from ISO 1100-2:1982.
AS 3778.2.3-1990 History
AS 3778.2.3-2001
$35.00 $71.94
AS 3778.2.3-1990
$39.00 $79.00
More Standards PDF
AS ISO/IEC 13818.7-2005
$93.00 $186.12
AS 4564-2005
$29.00 $58.08
AS ISO IEC 9075.3-2005
$173.00 $347.82
AS 3515.1-2005
$35.00 $71.94