Establishes values for safety distances to prevent access and to impede free access to danger zones of machinery, to prevent their being reached by the lower limbs of persons of 14 years and older. The distances apply where safety can be assured by distance alone and access by the upper limbs is not foreseeable by the risk assessment.
AS 4024.1802-2006 History
AS 4024.1801-2006
$29.00 $58.08
AS 4024.1802-2006
$25.00 $50.16
More Standards PDF
AS 1869-1981
$28.00 $57.00
AS 2492-1981
$36.00 $72.00
AS 2499-1981
$18.00 $36.00
AS 2480:1981
$36.00 $72.00