This Commentary provides background material to the requirements of AS 4100, Steel structures (revisions of AS 1250-1981, SAA Steel Structures Code, and AS 1511-1984, SAA High-strength Structural Bolting Code). It gives the origin of certain requirements, departures from previous practice and explains the application of certain clauses.
AS 4100 SUPP 1-1990 History
AS 4100 SUPP 1-1999
$61.00 $122.10
AS 4100 SUPP 1-1990
$61.00 $122.00
More Standards PDF
AS 1418.19-2007
$61.00 $122.10
AS 2454-2007
$39.00 $78.54
AS IEC 60720-2007
$31.00 $63.36
AS 2479-2007
$25.00 $50.16