AS 4156.2.1-2004

Coal preparation, Part 2.1: Higher rank coal - Froth flotation - Basic test

Standards Australia , 08/13/2004

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Sets out a means of evaluating the flotation characteristics of a coal. Identical with ISO 8858-1:1990 and and ISO 8858-1:1990/Cor.1:2001.

AS 4156.2.1-2004 History

AS 4156.2.1-2004

AS 4156.2.1-2004

$29.00 $58.08

AS 4156.2.1-1994

AS 4156.2.1-1994

$18.00 $36.00

AS 2579.1-1983

AS 2579.1-1983

$20.00 $40.00

More Standards PDF

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AS 4081-1993

$39.00 $79.00

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