• AS 5300-2019

AS 5300-2019

Australian Fish Names Standard

Standards Australia , 06/24/2019

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


AS 5300-2019 PDF

Use of standard fish names in Australia, as defined in this Standard, achieves outcomes that are consistent with the aims of industry and governments:- Improved monitoring and stock assessment enhance the sustainability of fisheries resources;- Increased efficiency in seafood marketing improves consumer confidence and industry profitability;- Improved accuracy in trade descriptions enables consumers to make better informed choices when purchasing seafood and reduces the potential for misleading and deceptive conduct;- Seafood related public health incidents and food safety risks can be more efficiently managed through improved labelling and species identification;- Marketability and consumer acceptability of species are enhanced through the use of standard fish names.

AS 5300-2019 History

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