Adopts ISO/IEC 10118-4:1998 to specify two hash-functions which make use of modular arithmetic. The hash-code is easily scaled to the input length of any mechanism (e.g. signature algorithm, identification scheme).
AS ISO IEC 10118.4-2006 History
AS ISO IEC 10118.4-2006
$39.00 $78.54
AS ISO/IEC 10118.4-2006
$39.00 $78.54
More Standards PDF
AS 1906.1:2017
$56.00 $112.00
AS 1906.1:2017
$58.00 $116.80
AS IEC 60601.1.10:2017
$48.00 $97.00
AS IEC 60601.1.12:2017
$58.00 $116.00