Adopts ISO/IEC 10118-1:2000 to specify hash-functions and is therefore applicable to the provision of authentication, integrity and non-repudiation services. This part contains definitions, symbols, abbreviations and requirements, that are common to all other parts.
AS ISO/IEC 10118.1-2006 History
AS ISO IEC 10118.1-2006
$25.00 $50.16
AS ISO/IEC 10118.1-2006
$25.00 $50.16
More Standards PDF
AS 3168-1991
$36.00 $72.00
AS D26-1972
$39.00 $79.00
AS 2282.7-1991
$11.00 $22.00
AS 2282.12-1991
$11.00 $22.00