Specifies requirements for single-flush or dual-flush flushing cisterns with flushing volumes as marked, flushing valves for mains supply that incorporate air gap pipe disconnections that operate manually or by sensor, and flushing valves for use with a break tank supply intended for use with urinals and water closet pans of all types. Also specifies requirements for cistern inlet valves and cistern outlet valves.
AS 1172.2:2014 History
AS 1172.2:2014
$61.00 $122.10
AS 1172.2-1999
$35.00 $71.94
AS 1172.2-1993
$25.00 $51.00
AS 1218-1990
$25.00 $51.00
More Standards PDF
AS ISO/IEC 17025-1999
$35.00 $71.94
AS 1141.29-1999
$13.00 $27.72
AS 1684.3-1999
$35.00 $71.94
AS 3558.18-1999
$13.00 $27.72