AS 2542.1.3:2014

Sensory analysis, Part 1.3: Methodology - Selection, training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors

Standards Australia , 12/17/2014

Publisher: AS

File Format: PDF


Adopts ISO 8586:2012 to provide guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors participating in sensory analysis.

AS 2542.1.3:2014 History

AS 2542.1.3:2014

AS 2542.1.3:2014

$35.00 $71.94

AS 2542.1.3-1995

AS 2542.1.3-1995

$20.00 $40.00

More Standards PDF

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AS ISO/IEC 9798.5-2006

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AS ISO IEC 9798.5-2006

AS ISO IEC 9798.5-2006

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