Adopts ISO 5349-1:2001 to specify general requirements for measuring and reporting hand-transmitted vibration exposure in three orthogonal axes. It defines a frequency weighting and band-limiting filters to allow uniform comparison of measurements. The values obtained can be used to predict adverse effects of hand-transmitted vibration over the frequency range covered by the octave bands from 8 Hz to 1 000 Hz.
AS ISO 5349.1-2013 History
AS ISO 5349.1-2013
$39.00 $78.54
AS 2763-1988
$18.00 $36.00
More Standards PDF
AS 8018.2-2004
$39.00 $78.54
AS ISO 22093-2004
$173.00 $347.82
AS 4700.6-2004
$28.00 $57.42
AS ISO 16100.2-2004
$39.00 $78.54